Douces Maternelles • Sigle


Launch of our podcast "Dis Pourquoi Paroles d’enfants

Here we go, it's back to school! And for us, it's also the time to properly launch our new project!

👏 Back to school! It's time for us to launch our new project!

If you missed it this summer:

❤️ We launched our podcast "Dis Pourquoi, Paroles d'enfants" where children are the heroes! ❤️

🔍 The principle: Giving children a voice on their everyday important topics. Our children have so much to say, and Douces Maternelles wants to bring their words to the forefront throughout the year with this new educational project. We hope you will like it as much as we do.

👉 And why "Dis Pourquoi" a podcast for Douces Maternelles? For our 7th anniversary this year, we wanted to continue offering even more to create fulfillment and knowledge around children's learning with a dual desire.

📌 DESIRE #1: This podcast is, above all, an educational project in line with what we offer in our schools. Its purpose: to nurture children's confidence in their own voices, learn to listen to others, question, have fun, and exchange ideas on the small and big topics that make up the lives of children at Douces Maternelles.

📌 DESIRE #2: This podcast is also a great opportunity to share our knowledge with as many people as possible, to bring the Douces Maternelles pedagogy to life beyond our walls. That's why for each episode, there will always be advice, keys to knowledge for all parents eager to offer a caring education to their children—an opportunity to create a joyful and harmonious relationship together.

Écoutez notre podcast, dès maintenant !


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